Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I've been on vacation the last week. I took off because I was celebrating 11 years sober on Saturday & didn't want to work on my "birthday". One of the cool things about AA,I get 2 birthdays a year. I get presents and cake(if I want it..) and that day is all about me. What's not to love, huh? Cannot believe how fast the time goes. I had so many plans on what I would accomplish this last week. I did manage the bulk of it, but still need to do more. I applied for another position with my company. I've done this a few times in the last 2 years that I've worked there. Each time I get called in for  1st & 2nd interviews and then get the call that they went with someone else. I just keep trying, & hoping. So grateful for the job, but really want Monday-Friday day-time hours. I am so qualified for the position, but am afraid to get my hopes up. I almost expect to be disappointed once again. Truly KNOW that God knows what is best for me, even if I don't necessarily like it.. I believe in doing the footwork and trusting Him for the outcome. If it hadn't been for this job I hate that is so physically demanding, I never would have joined the gym & become more fit and strong. I got so tired of hurting every day(literally crying hurting). I knew 80% of it was being overweight & out of shape. My company pays portion of gym fee so it is totally affordable. 4 months into it I am down nearly 40 pounds & have increased strength & endurance. NONE of which would've happened if God had given me MY way..So, it doesn't matter that I don't like it RIGHT NOW, I KNOW that HE has it all figured out. Now if my attitude would just get in line 

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