Monday, February 14, 2011

day 17: something that has made huge impact on my life recently

I hate to say it, but it is money. I lost a job where I had made pretty good money. We had gotten alot of the medical bills paid down and things had started looking a bit more optimistic. Then the day that I went in to work, and they told me I didn't work there anymore. Well, God provided a new job almost immediately. I make $800 less a month. What is really cool, is that God has provided. But, I had gotten used to buying things we didn't necessarily need just because we wanted them, they were cute, a good buy, it was pink...whatever. We had thought nothing of going out to eat if we didn't feel like fixing something. I mean it was just the 2 of us, right? Well, we are now on a VERY tight budget and we are not getting the stuff we want whenever we want it. It is hard to explain to Sid, because he doesn't really get it. I now have to put some actual thought and effort into what we spend our money on.I plan menus and buy in bulk and repackage,clip coupons and watch sale ads. Stuff I used to do back in the day, and had gotten out of the habit(lazy). I have been using the cash method of paying for stuff. I have $300 a month to buy groceries,gas,Starbucks,etc.. once that money is gone, well it's gone. So far(Since last August) we have had enough left over at the end of each month to get a pizza, or go for coffee. I had looked at it as a negative, when it has turned out to be another huge piece of evidence we get to have(and hopefully share) of God's abundant provision.

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