Monday, November 15, 2010

"big girl panties?"

OK, I lost a couple pounds since big deal really. It was pounds that I needed to lose. So, here's my dilemma.. I went to work yesterday, and after being there about 10 minutes I realize my panties are slipping off. Yep, waaaaaayyy too big. That in itself isn't so bad. I decided to share it with a co-worker. Told her my underwear kept slipping down. Well, it never occurred to me that she would find it so funny as to share it with others. You guessed it..within 20 minutes EVERYONE knew my underwear was falling down. I started getting pieces of tape put on my station. I have to tell you, my first reaction was horror, and then I saw the humor. I also became grateful that this crew I work with felt comfortable enough with me to give me a hard time. So I attached a piece of tape to the top of my underbritches and the bottom of my shirt and formed a type of suspender. They all nearly peed their pants laughing at me. I have no idea how it looked, but it felt good to have some camaraderie. I had spent last couple years at a job feeling like a misfit. Oh, yeah..the panties went in the trash when I got home. And, 12 hours is a really long time to work in droopy drawers..LOL

1 comment:

Dennis & Jodi said...

LOL I am giggling here... glad to hear you have a good group of work friends! Always makes the day go by better! ☺