Sunday, November 7, 2010

I am back

Well, my last post was the day before Sid went in for the other blocked carotid to be unclogged. The surgery went beyond bad and he ended up in ICU for a month, 8 days of which was on life support. It was awful,scary, and it did something to me. I have been unable to post here since. I can't explain it. I am not even going to attempt to explain at this point. Way too much has happened. He took a major step backwards as a result of the trauma he endured. I think I took a few steps backward as well. I haven't even read the blogs I used to follow and love to read. I have decided that I am done with that season and am going to reintroduce myself to this blogging world I grew to love and enjoy so much. more will be revealed..


Sarah said...

I'm glad you're back.

Your writing has been missed.

How did I not know he was on life support for 8 days?! Ugh.

Looking forward to your posts. Love you!

JerriLynn said...

oh, thanks Sarah!! I have missed reading your blog as well. Thanks for returning to facebook and posting a couple links to your site. I clicked over and realized I was missing your writing as well. Love You Back!!

Dennis & Jodi said...

Glad to see you back!
Praying for you and Sid that your life is getting into a new normal!

JerriLynn said...

Thanks, Jodi..I pray for a new "normal" as well..also for contentment in it..looking forward to catching up on your site as well