I couldn't name just one, so I said I would do a list of people I am thankful for and why. So, here goes. And there is no doubt I will leave someone out, because face it, I am a bit older, and a bit scattered in my brain these days.not in any particular order, either. just kind of as it came to me.
1. my mom for choosing to keep the constant reminder of a bad choice.
2.my dad for teaching me how to work hard and tell the truth no matter the cost.
3. my gramma for being the funnest grown up in my whole childhood.
4. my sister for showing me what being selfless is.
5. my brother for being stable.
6.Andrea(my other sister)for all the fun times, all the horrible times, sticking through no matter what.
7.my teachers for giving me the love of reading, and the desire to do well.
8.Sidney for being the best gift of all. I KNOW what it is to be loved by a man who loved me with his whole self.
9.Cindy for always being there no matter what. good, bad, & ugly.
10. Liz for telling me the truth. for sharing you with me.
11. Pam for showing me how to accept the love of a good man.
12.Jami for allowing me to be a sounding board, giving me the opportunity to get out of myself for 5 seconds.
13.Harold & Cyndi for sending the money for Sid's rehab that you knew we would take forever to repay, and never making us feel as if we owed you.
14.Kelly for showing me how to laugh at myself, and to remember this is all temporary.
15.Veronica for being constant and just a super great daughter. you are a great mom also. so loving and giving of yourself and just a bright spot for me.
16. Marty for being a loving son. for so much comfort and strength you brought right after your Dad's stroke.
17.Shannon for always being there. for dropping anything and everything to be a help to us. for being such a true friend.
18.the anonymous donors of the many cards full of cash that helped out so much after the stroke.
19.Tina for always being so thoughtful and engaging. asking questions and encouraging.
20 Norma for faithfully praying for us, and the gentle kindness.
21.Susie for being who she is. She is just so cool and fun and I love her.She tells me the truth in love and points me back to Jesus.
22.Betty for being an example of a loving wife to a "new" husband.
23. Ben for coming to see Sid every day he was in the hospital.
24. Jimmy for always always being there. for doing the "man" chores
for taking such good care of our critters whenever we go somewhere.
25. Esther for feeding us so well.
26.Cynda for the constant consistent godly counsel. always uplifting, never belittling. encouraging and loving.
27.Denise for allowing me to get to know you. What a gift you were to me.glad you are with Jesus now.
28.Sarah for coming all the way from Sunnyside to take Sid to appointments and to be happy in it. Giving us an opportunity to get to know you more and be a part of our life. for loving Sid. he thinks pretty highly of you and your girls, too.
29.Dale and Lola for their genuine love and care of us. What sweet folks.
30.Sharon for being such a fun friend, and for teaching me that things are not always as they seem. that people who love you will still lie to you.miss you so.
31.Sheila for taking the time to talk to me that awful afternoon oh so many years ago, when I had made some bad choices and was in a corner. Good Godly counsel with love and truth, not judging or condemning.
32.Phyllis for being such a good woman to my dad. He so loved you.
33. Corky and Jan for being constant and loving. for being faithful in praying for us. giving us some fun times and good meals.
34.Christine for helping Sid with his speech and constantly pushing him to do better, for making it fun. and you never cashed the checks I sent for payment.knowing we didn't really have the money, but Sid so needed your help.
35.Duane at Owens, for helping me out when the tow company wouldn't let me have Sid's bike after he wrecked it. guess being the wife isn't always good enough. Duane went and got his bike..he isn't even related.haha
36.Robyn for being another constant in my life. We know how to camp..
37.Bryan for being a great boss. for leading by example and encouraging me to go for it. for believing in me.
38.Jon for being a great boss as well. for supplying good health benefits to your employees, and absorbing that cost. For showing you care for the people that work for you.
39.Jay for being a good husband to our daughter. for being a great dad. for always being kind and loving and respectful.
40. Paige for being a great wife to our son. It has been really tough for you, yet you haven't given up yet. You are a gem in our lives.
41. Bernadette for teaching me that so much is my choice.
42.Jack and Charlotte for showing me that sweet love they have.
43.Sid's mom (my other mom) for showing constant and genuine love. for making me laugh, and for just being fun to be around. for never making me feel as if I wasn't good enough for her son.
44.Jeanne for love and support through all the years.
45.Tony for teaching the truth with such passion. truly spirit filled.
46.They aren't people, but in my life critters are pretty high on the list
Punkin for over 14 years of loyal companionship. best dog ever..truly a gift from God.
47. Samson, Sid didn't know me or his kids right after the stroke, but I snuck lil Sammy in to his hospital room and he came back a bit. Sammy became his dog then.
48.Ebony who we got to keep sammy company, and because Sid had stolen my dog..
such love and devotion.
49. KanDee, my broken heart mender. she helped me thru the loss of Punkin and my dad.
50. Sassy, the cat who moved in uninvited as a ratty little kitten and is now KanDee's BFF.
I have had many more folks touch my life in oh so many ways, and the ones listed have so much more qualities that I am thankful for, but it gave me the chance to take a look at some good stuff.