Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Possibilities?

I don't do them.
I think they are kinda silly.
I mean who really does it and sticks to it?
Yep, you guessed it..New Year's resolutions.
I have NEVER made them. NEVER
Never had to worry about keeping them.
Or breaking them.
I made one this year....
I made a resolution to log 2011 miles on my motorcycle.
Not impossible. Totally DOABLE...
I put 500 miles on it since buying it 2 years ago.
Granted, life has been a bit chaotic since then.
With Sid unable to ride or drive anymore I found excuses not to go.
It was so hard going without him.
 I cry all the way out the driveway and fog up my goggles.
I usually stop crying by the time I get 2 blocks down the road.
I LOVE riding.
I just hadn't planned on doing it without MY LOVE. :(
I watch him smiling and waving as I leave.
He is so happy for me. He Loves seeing me ride my bike.
It is a time that I feel that sense of ahhhh..I can breathe..
I can't explain it. It is a sense of freedom and release of care.
It is a time that nothing matters. I can sing at the top of my lungs(and I do),
talk to God, just empty my mind of all the stuff that is always
racing up there. the stuff that threatens to steal my joy.
After alot of soul searching and prayer, I realized it was
mostly fear and guilt keeping me from going riding last year.
I felt guilty going without Sid, and fearful of something happening
while I was out riding. I have not been given a spirit of fear, and I
refuse to live in that any longer. So this is my first resolution, and
I am hoping I can keep it. God willing, I will..

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