Friday, May 8, 2009

ahhh friday...

What a long week.....haven't been able to blog last few days.
I just haven't had it in me.
Been going in to work between 6:30 & 7 am
and getting off between 5:30 & 6.
Not horrible, but enough that it doesn't leave
much time for anything else.
Especially since I made a commitment
to do better at my homemaking. I can
justify til the cows come home, that I
work full time and Sid is home all day
but, the facts are he isn't going to help.
Anyway, that is besides the point.
God has been faithful to give me the grace
to get through with a cheerful attitude.
I am doing laundry tonight, and getting some beans
soaked to make some chili tomorrow, and just a few
odd chores. Tomorrow I hope to get some groceries
and plan some meals for the upcoming week.
Most of my chaos is due to lack of planning.
This crazy schedule should only be the next
couple weeks, so I just need to remember, this
is all temporary. off to fapa...=]

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