Wednesday, April 15, 2009

is there a point?

The last few days I have been seriously wondering what I am writing about. What am I saying? Does it matter? answer: I don't have a clue. When I started this I just wanted to walk through a fear. I have many fears, 95% self-centered fear. Will I look stupid? What if.....? all kinds of crazy stuff. I just wanted a chance to share some of my life and hopefully what God has done and how awesome He is. I want to be real and not staged to sound good. I have absolutely no writing abilities or talent whatsoever, however I am hopeful that will improve with time. I have always (well the last few years anyway) been really honest and open. I believe true transparency is helpful. I know I really appreciate it in others and so want to be that way in my own life. I want to mirror God's grace and strength and love. I know that being able to look back is a great tool in "SEEING" the hand of God in daily life. Hopefully I don't miss it in my selfishness. So, I took another step today. I posted blogs I am following. I am no longer just a stalker I chose to actively participate. Another fear to overcome. I can't do these things, but God gives me the courage to risk looking stupid in order to benefit from it. So, time will tell. =]

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